Wednesday, May 05, 2010

MIA to the maxx!

Sorry lovelies for failing you BIG time on updates.  Wedding preparation is still on going.  Wish i had done all of this last year. My to do list for the wedding is as follows:

- send out invites! e-mail invites!
- finish Misalette
- decide whether to wear a veil or a handmade headband (pic for inspiration is not with me right now)
- list down photo prompts
- guest notes & guest book
- gifts/souvenirs for our Godparents
- polish honeymoon plan / IT / etc.

that's all i can think of.  i know some other things will come up every now and then but I'm trying to do this in a happy and positive kind of way.  i want to have a happy wedding and not a stressful one so i try to worry less on imperfections and unplanned situations.  But I am super excited!  and this excitement gives me butterflies!

oh, and i am in love right now with Blythe!  in fact, i'm bidding on e-bay to have at least one for myself before my wedding. i wanna gift myself a Blythe on my last days of being single!  if i lose and i couldn't find a lovely Blythe within my budget, i will definitely adopt/buy one after the wedding.  Here are the sites responsible for this love and cravings!

Check them out and fall in love too!

I have friends who are also into dolls.  One has a HUGE collection of Bratz and the other has 3 Pullips.

I hope i can find a dark-haired Blythe at $100  (including shipping).  I am willing to pay for a used but in good condition Blythe.  In fact one of my bids is for a USED Welcome Winter Blythe doll with some minor scratches.  So if any of you lovelies know of someone who is selling a Blythe doll around that much, please tell me.  I really really want to buy one for myself. ^_^ Thanks!

xoxo, Ails

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