Wednesday, November 18, 2009

what to watch?

my kool and i might watch a movie tonight.  One of our colleague told us this morning to watch 2010 in cinema because of its visual and emotional effects.  i was excited coz our last movie date was G.I. Joe! can you imagine how busy we have been?  but after giving it much thought, i am becoming less excited about it.  Well i love the idea of the "date" itself.  But i am having second thoughts on the movie.  I am actually becoming MORE excited to watch 500 Days of Summer! yes, i know i should have watched it on its first day but my/our schedule wouldn't permit. 

So which movie do you think is better?  Should i go for the visual effects of 2010 or for my love of Zooey?

love, ails


  1. Don't feel bad! The last movie my boyfriend and I went to see was Up! I really want to see 500 Days of Summer. Please let me know how it is if you see it. :)

  2. erinsunday and ails:
    watch 500 Days of Summer! i love love loved it soo much! i'm a huge zooey fan and this movie was perfect!
    you'll enjoy it : )

  3. Hi Erin and Jackiek! ^_^ I watched 500 Days of Summer late last night and i loved it! I think it was well-written. the sounds and cinematography were both lovely. and I sooo love Zooey's fashion sense! You have to watch it too Erin. :)
